Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Strip Co-ed At Mandarin Gallery

I've been doing my waxing at Strip since 2004. Despite their relatively high prices, I still find myself returning again and again...

Strip is definitely the "go-to" place for waxing. They are quick, clean and the service standards are excellent for a large beauty chain. A Brazilian wax here takes only 15 minutes!

Entrance to Strip Co-ed at Mandarin Gallery

Product Line-up

Information Pamphlets at the waiting area

Treatment room

Pots of warm wax

Plus Points: Good location, great customer service, excellent hygiene standards, quick and effective treatments. Male therapists are available for male customers.

Minus Points: Expensive, occasional "pushy" therapists or staff.

Verdict: Consistant high quality treatments delivered and good locations dotted around town area makes Strip hard to beat. Add to that the cherry on top of the cake; Strip boasts the most painless waxing experience in Singapore!

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